
How To Get Started An Action Plan To Start On Your Business

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I know we've all experienced it. Writer's block. Procrastination. You name it. Something is always there to keep us from getting started. Is it fear that holds you back,Christian Louboutin bottes, or something else? Not sure what to do about it? Let's get started and find out how we can fix it.

You need to do 5 major things to give you that push into action. Action is the key here and we need to do whatever it takes to go from dormant to active! You need to write down your goals to know where you stand in your timeline of your business or at least your project. You need to not make it so easy on yourself. You need to stay laser targeted by focusing on one thing at a time. You need to make sure you are following your own goals, and not someone else's. And above all else, you need to balance work and play. Let's get started, shall we?

Write Down Your Goals

Writing down your goals helps put what your priorities are really into perspective. You need to make multiple lists of your goals. You should make short-term goals, (1-3 month or quarterly goals), mid-term goals(6-10 month or annual goals) and long-term goals (1-5+ year goals). This way you know how to focus on what is important at the time. Which brings me to my next point.

Stay Targeted

Staying on task is something we all have trouble with in today's society. With computers,Christian Louboutin Bana 140mm de sortieLivraison gratuite pour vous, ipods, iphones, ipads, laptops, TV's, families, email, Instant messengers, and infinitely on,MBT Tunisha Schwarz DaMännerschuhe, it is hard to stay focused. It is so easy to slip away from what you are doing to check that message, read that email, etc.

Staying laser targeted helps you get things done. You need to remove all distractions when you are working. Turn off the phone, Instant messenger, TV, and all other distractions, lock yourself in a quiet place, and look at that goal sheet. See what you need to do and work on it for 2 hours. Take a 15 minute break and repeat.

Have Your Own Goals

Too many times, gurus,Herre Wholesale Online Nike Free Run 2 DarkGray Blue White Shoes, experts, and self-proclaimed know-it-alls seem to tell you there is only one way to succeed. This is simply not true. If you want to succeed, you need to define what success means to you. Then you need to find a path to THAT success,Hogan Scarpe donna 524 nubuck nero, not someone else's. You will find so much more fulfillment if you are working towards your own goals, and not someone elses.

Challenge Yourself

One thing that people seem to stray away from is doing anything difficult, challenging,Hogan scarpe donna nuovo arrivo 2012 grigio, or otherwise hard. It increases your risk of failure, and people like security and guarantees. Anything worth doing is worth doing well and anything worth doing is probably really freakin' hard. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Not to mention that if something is too easy, you will quickly become bored and not find satisfaction in your work. There is nothing better than enjoying the fruits of your labor.

Find A Balance

You could work 16 hours a day and become a (possible) millionaire in the process. What would you lose in order to achieve this? Your family? Friends? Sanity? Sometimes when driving down and doing the tedious,Christian Louboutin Très Prive de sortie 120mmvente au rabais, monotonous, or otherwise boring,Christian Louboutin Prorata de sortie 90mmvente pas cher, knowing that you will be with the ones you love or doing something fun in a short while,see more, makes it that much easier. Listen to music, take a 30 minute break, go home for the night. Whatever it takes to make sure you actually live instead of just exist.

All in all, none of this is worth two grains of wheat if you don't act on it. That is the whole point of this article. If you don't take action and actually do the things outlined above, you will never be where you want to be.

Now get back to it. You've got marketing to do ;) 相关的主题文章:

